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***(Ireland) 63% increase in SPED students in 4 years in primary schools

Oct 31, 2019, NewsTalk, Dublin: Report shows rise in number of kids with special needs in primary schools The number of children with special needs in primary schools increased by 63% over four years, according to a new government report. The Education Indicators for Ireland report gives an overview for the first time of school and third level education and training. It highlights the increase in the number of pupils with special needs in primary and post-primary schools from 2014 to 2018. The figures show a rise of children with special needs at primary level from 3,816 in 2014 to 6,229 in 2018, while another 1,000 places were added for September 2019. Additionally, the report shows that there are now more than 13,400 special education teachers, while up to 15,950 Special Needs Assistants will be working in schools this year…. “Creating a report like this gives us a snapshot of the education system at one point in time. But it also shows us how far we have come in recent years, what commitments we are making and what our ambitions are.”

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