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(Ireland) 39 Dublin elem schools ordered to open classes for autistic students

July 10, 2020, Dublin Independent: Revealed: the 39 Dublin primary schools told to open special classes for pupils with autism Primary schools in Dublin 4 and 6, Booterstown, Monkstown and Dún Laoghaire are among those a list of 39 on the south side of the city that have been told to open special classes for pupils with autism. The lack of special classes for children with autism and some other conditions in mainstream primary schools in certain areas, often more affluent suburbs, has been a bone of contention. The number of special classes generally, at both primary and post-primary, has grown significantly in recent years…. The letters were sent on foot of advice from the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) , which told the minister that while progress had been made in meeting the need of children in south Dublin there was still ”insufficient special class capacity”….

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