Apr 12, 2023, Echo Live: New special school to be established in Carrigtwohill for 2023/24 school year https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-41114836.html
Two new special schools are to be established for the 2023/24 academic year, with one earmarked for Carrigtwohill.
A new special school will be established in Carrigtwohill for the 2023/24 academic year, it has been revealed.
Minister for Education, Norma Foley, and Minister of State with responsibility for Special Education and Inclusion, Josepha Madigan, have today announced the establishment of two new special schools as part of a comprehensive update on enhanced education provision for students with special educational needs.
The two new special schools, one in Carrigtwohill, east Cork and one in Dublin 7, will be established for the 2023/24 school year.
The new special school in Carrigtwohill will provide for the enrolment of children and young people with autism and complex learning needs up to 18 years of age. It is envisioned that the school will operate under the patronage of the Cork Education and Training Board (ETB).
Places will be prioritised for children who have no offer of a special school place for the 2023/24 school year. Details in relation to the location of the new special school, the admission process and the number of places to be offered for 2023/24 will be confirmed very shortly….
In addition to the establishment of two new schools in the school year 2023/24, plans are also underway to increase the capacity at Rochestown Community Special School in Cork, along with 10 other schools across the country.
Meanwhile, a further 218 new special classes have been confirmed for opening in 2023, with more to be confirmed in the coming weeks – 126 at primary and 92 at post-primary level.
Allocations of special needs assistants will be published by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) before April 30, an earlier date than usual to allow schools to plan.
A new SNA Workforce Development Unit has been established in the Department and the NCSE is undertaking a recruitment process and campaign to fill special educational needs organiser (SENO) vacancies and hire additional SENOs….
"I know that the additional capacity announced today will be a welcome relief to the families that do not yet have a school place for next September….
"Throughout Ireland, the number of special classes continues to grow year on year ensuring that children and young people have access to school places which are appropriate to their needs."…
“I am delighted to have secured the additional provision being announced today. This is a much-needed development which will help to meet the demand for special school places in these areas," she added.
“The major investment of an additional €13million [$14.4M] in the NCSE is being undertaken so that the NSCE can respond effectively, compassionately and quickly to the increased need in our education system so that children and their families are fully supported and achieve the best possible education outcomes. …
