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(France) Mental illness has risen 'dramatically' worldwide in the last 25 years

Oct 10, 2018, France 24: Has the world gone mad? Mental health disorders on the rise globally Mental health disorders are on the rise in every country in the world and could cost the global economy up to $16 trillion between 2010 and 2030 if a collective failure to respond is not addressed, according to an expert report on Tuesday. The “Lancet Commission” report by 28 global specialists in psychiatry, public health and neuroscience, as well as mental health patients and advocacy groups, said the growing crisis could cause lasting harm to people, communities and economies worldwide. … “The situation is extremely bleak,” Patel, a professor at Harvard Medical School in the United States, told reporters. He said the burden of mental illness had risen “dramatically” worldwide in the past 25 years, partly due to societies ageing and more children surviving into adolescence, yet “no country is investing enough” to tackle the problem. “No other health condition in humankind has been neglected as much as mental health has,” Patel said. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 300 million people worldwide have depression and 50 million have dementia. Schizophrenia is estimated to affect 23 million people, and bipolar disorder around 60 million. …
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