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Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson asks why our children are so disabled

Someone in the mainstream media actually noticed that something is wrong with our children. On May 9, 2019 Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson editorialized on the state of our children’s health and our elected officials’ failure to deal with it. The occasion involved the most recent school shooting, namely the one at a Denver-area charter school where a young man was killed trying to stop an assailant. The title of the story was Vultures treat the Colorado shooting like a political prop—our kids deserve so much more, and in it Carlson went from criticizing politicians who use heartbreaking situations and push for gun control to asking the REALLY BIG QUESTION: WHY ARE KIDS TODAY SO DIFFERENT? Carlson: Congressman Jason Crow and Sen. Michael Bennet, both Democrats, attended the prayer vigil. They were not there to offer prayers. They were there to belittle prayer, and instead hold a campaign rally…. What vultures these people are. The students walked out of the vigil. For the politicians, devastated children and grieving families were just political props -- props they could use to increase their own power at the expense of other people's freedom. That is their reaction to every problem and every tragedy. This could have been stopped if you have given me more power. Of course, in reality, Washington has been getting more and more power for decades and has not been making our kids happier or healthier. … There are a lot of possible explanations for this. We don't seem to be talking about any of them. The kids in Colorado were, though. They chanted, "Mental health." And they are right. But it is not enough to say we need more mental healthcare. It is also worth asking why we need it. Why do so many kids have so many more mental health problems? It's not your imagination. It's real. It is measurable. It is being measured, though not addressed. In the past decade, teen depression has risen dramatically, as have teen suicides. They are connected, of course. Between 2008 and 2017, the percentage of adolescents with depression symptoms rose 52 percent. Among kids 15 to 24, suicides are up almost 50 percent. That's a horrifying number. No one mentions it. Millions of American children are on drugs for ADHD, anxiety, other mental health problems. But why? What is driving this? Is it the breakdown in the family? Is it too much screen time? Is it something in the food? We don't really know. That is the actual tragedy. And as long as our leaders' preferred response to this tragedy is opportunism, we never will know. Carlson didn’t include autism in his list, but he did note other neurological issues now so common today, and he asked, “BUT WHY?” “…something in the food?” Yes—and in the ever-increasing number of unchecked, unsafe vaccines we mindlessly inject into every child on the planet.
(**And please take a look at Carlson’s interview of Robert Kennedy, Jr. on vaccine safety back in 2017.)
Carlson’s statement, “Millions of American children are on drugs for ADHD, anxiety, other mental health problems” doesn’t come close to describing how bad things really are. Carlson needs to look over the MORE THAN 4,000 news reports on He’d see stupefying stats from countries everywhere. He’d see that our kids are getting sicker and sicker and that no one cares. Carlson needs to pursue his question, “BUT WHY?” for each and every story I’ve posted.
Just to save time, I pulled a number of recent statements from news reports both here and abroad.
But why? What is driving this?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new statistics on autism. They estimate that there has been a 15% increase in the prevalence of autism across the USA, from 1 in 68 in 2012 to 1 in 59 in 2014.
Thomas Frazier, Chief Science Officer of Autism Speaks, says this suggests that the new estimate of 1 in 59 is likely to be a significant undercount of autism’s true prevalence in the USA.
Given these factors, it is not surprising that 384 students in [Rockland, ME] District 13, or approximately 23.39 percent of the total student population, currently receive special education services.
The number of special education students statewide with autism grew from 6,752 in 2000 to 37,435 in 2016, a nearly six-fold increase, according to the [New York State] Education Department.
One in four teachers in the UK say they experience physical violence from their pupils at least once a week, and many say poor behaviour is making them want to leave the profession,...
HAMILTON, Ontario — One in five children suffer from a mental disorder — with notable increases in depression and anxiety over the past 30 year.
The number of [Seattle] children living with autism has jumped 15 percent over the past two years. And now many popular attractions are learning how to cater to that growing population.
For schools across New Hampshire, special education is a growing need and a growing cost. Nowhere is that more apparent than in Manchester, the state’s largest district, where special ed expenditures have nearly tripled in the last twenty years.
The Colorado Department of Education’s government data reports that since 1992, Colorado student population grew by 49 percent while autism increased by over 400 percent.
As the number of students who qualify for special education increases to record levels, educators are struggling to keep up. According to the Rodel Foundation of Delaware, the number of students who qualify for special education has risen by 18 percent — or 3,141 students — in a little over a decade. Statewide, over 20,000 students — or 15 percent of all children enrolled in Delaware public schools — receive some form of special education.
… One in 35 children in New Jersey are diagnosed [with autism] by this time.
Around a third of the pupils [in Northern Ireland schools] are considered to be in the lowest quarter of the population academically, many have significant self-esteem issues and a negative attitude towards education…. It said between 2015 and 2018, the number of special needs care plans [in England] grew 33%, while funding rose only 6%.
…Currently in [Northern Ireland], one in 34 children are diagnosed with a form of autism….
…Northumberland [UK] has seen a 50 per cent increase in the number of pre-school children with complex needs since 2013 and the number of pupils in special schools has risen by 32 per cent in this period.
…the number of students with autism spectrum disorder increases by more than 10 percent every school year. This growing trend in Montana and across the nation has been consistent for over a decade.
With more Minnesota students enrolling in special education services and public aid failing to keep pace with the cost of providing those services, the shortfall that school districts have to cover by tapping into general education dollars continues to grow. “And this against a background where more young people in Dorset [England] are reporting mental health issues while we are unable to meet the demand for mental health services. … The figures from NHS Digital show 12.2 per cent of boys [in the UK] aged between five and 10 were found to be likely to be suffering from a mental disorder, along with 6.6 per cent of girls. The number of young students with autism is rising. Last year Auburn [ME] had to place eight incoming kindergarten students out of district at a cost of $298,383. Of the eight, seven had autism. In the fall of 2018, Auburn placed four incoming kindergarten students with autism at an estimated cost of $260,763. In both years those costs were unanticipated, Grondin said.
Nearly 20 percent of Yonkers [NY] students have a disability … One-third of the [Bridgeport, CT] district budget is spent on special education. …
The number of [Scottish] pupils identified with [additional support needs] rose from 118,034 in 2012 to 199,065 in 2018 - with the total now representing 28.7% of pupils.
But why? What is driving this? Is it the breakdown in the family? Is it too much screen time? Is it something in the food? We don't really know.
Carlson should also consider that many people already do know and others simply don't want to know.

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