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Davenport, IA: Autistic 7 yr old suspended 10 times/seclusion room more than 40 times

May16, 2019, News8, Moline, IL: Family speaks out on Davenport’s treatment of child with special needs DAVENPORT, Iowa -- Davenport's schools have been under pressure by the state to address its treatment of both minority students and those with special needs…. Her seven-year-old son Joshua has autism. During his kindergarten and first-grade years at Jackson Elementary, "he was suspended 10 times, he was sent to the seclusion room more than 40 times," said his mother. … "On one incident they used a seclusion room. He had to use the bathroom. There was nobody to tell, so he peed on the floor. They made him clean up his pee with microfiber wipes and some cleaner, and no gloves."… Interim Superintendent TJ Schneckloth said the district recognizes there is disproportionality problem. As part of its report, the state issued conditional accreditation to Davenport Community Schools….


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