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Coweta County, GA: More money for teachers; autism/emotional/behavioral needs

Feb 13, 2019, Newnan (GA) Times-Herald: Pay scale increases urged for ‘critical need’ areas Budget talks have officially begun for the Coweta County Board of Education, which heard about the ‘critical need’ for employees in certain areas Tuesday. “We have some initial salary adjustments that we’re already looking at for the 2020 budget based on critical need areas,” said Keith Chapman, assistant superintendent for financial services. The board is being asked to consider pay scale increases or replacements for school nurses, high-need autism/emotional behavior disorder teachers and assistants, substitute bus drivers, maintenance workers and bus technicians – all areas the school system has identified as problematic in attracting and retaining qualified employees. … Another $77,000 would be needed to provide certified teachers who work with high-need autism/emotional behavior disorder students an additional $2,500 and provide for pay scale adjustments for paraprofessionals in those classrooms. …


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