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Colleton Cty, SC: District students: "Average/below in test scores"; SPED at 17%

Feb 21, 2020, Walterboro (SC) Press and Standard: The State of Colleton: Officials share highlights of last year,31606 Colleton Chamber of Commerce hosted officials, administrators, leaders, business owners and advisors from Walterboro and Colleton County on Wednesday Feb. 8 for a briefing on the state of Colleton. Each major entity of Colleton County and Walterboro provided information on the progress of their individual departments. Improvements in the area during the last year, as well as future endeavors, were conveyed by presenters…. City of Walterboro Mayor Bill Young gave an update on the city of Walterboro, first remarking on receiving the Governmental Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting…. School District Assistant superintendents Jessica Williams and Cliff Warren gave a brief update of the school system. Although students scored average and below in test scores, graduating seniors accounted for $6.8 million in scholarships…. Students receiving special education services was 17%.


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