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(Cayman Islands) Teachers trained to help children with behavior problems

Oct 25, 2018, Cayman Compass: Behavior program expands into school setting Officials with the Family Resource Centre are expanding their SNAP program by training teachers and school counselors. Program manager Charmaine Bush-Miller said the center has trained 60 teachers and 25 counselors since June to help increase access to the program. SNAP, which stands for Stop Now and Plan, is a behavior modification system for helping children deal with social conflict and crisis. Children are taught coping mechanisms for controlling their emotions and thinking about consequences before taking action. Targeted at children with behavior problems, the Family Resource Centre adopted the program – which began in Canada – a year and a half ago…. Working with the Department of Education, she said, the center was able to coordinate the training of school personnel. She said she is hoping integrating with educators on the ground will lead to more recruitment of students….


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