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**(Canada) Thousands of Ontario parents waiting years for ASD help for children finally getting help

Feb 15, 2019, After years of frustration, one Ontario family welcomes new autism funding model The Dodge family has spent eight years on waiting lists waiting for government-funded services for their son Jordan Once a week Jason and Jessica Dodge make the drive to Fergus where their 10-year-old son Jordan receives two to four hours of autism therapy at a government-approved centre. The Dodges pay for this out of their own pocket. Roughly $500 a month for the past seven years…. The Dodges are among the thousands of Ontarians on wait lists waiting for government-funded assistance for their autistic children. One of thousands who pay for the therapy themselves because they know it helps and they know they can't afford to wait. “We’ve been on some of the waiting lists for eight years,” Dodge says. … “There’s so many kids that are in need and so many families that are all trying to get into some of these big agencies where they don’t have to pay, but in the meantime, what do you do? You can’t just sit there. You have to do what you can for your kid.” … Under the new rules, the Dodge family and thousands of others will soon be given access to funding and have say in where they spend it for their children. There will be limits depending on the age of a child. “Families currently on the waitlist for services can expect to receive their budgets within the next 18 months,” the government said in making the announcement….
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