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(Canada) SPED numbers rise "dramatically"

March 23, 2017, Vancouver (British Columbia) Sun: Number of B.C. classes with more than three special needs students rises dramatically For what is likely the last time for the foreseeable future, the number of classes with more than three students with special needs rose dramatically across the province once again for this school year. Numbers released by the Ministry of Education this week shows that 17,309 classes (25 per cent of the total classes in B.C.) have four or more students with special needs in the 2016/2017 school year. That’s up 793 classes from last year, the report shows. The number is up 59 per cent since 2005-06, when the B.C. Teachers’ Federation first started tracking the numbers and up by five per cent over last year alone. Also up is the number of classes with seven or more students with special needs. There are now 4,186 such classes, up from 4,163 last year. …

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