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Burnsville, MN: Enrollment down by 3,000 students over 20 yrs; SPED costs up

Mar 1, 2019, Savage (MN) Pacer: Burnsville-Eagan-Savage adjusts to demands on budget, letter campaign begins BURNSVILLE — The Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District can continue ninth-grade sports and offering middle school orchestra while still making about $6.6 million in cuts to staff and athletic and academic programs for next school year, a district official said Thursday. Some district residents meanwhile have begun a letter-writing campaign to area legislators calling for more state money for special education and to districts in general…. District Superintendent Cindy Amoroso has said some severe cuts must be made because state and federal aid aren’t keeping up with special education and general costs and because of falling student numbers in recent years. Enrollment is about 3,000 students lower than 20 years ago with around 8,400 enrolled this year. … The letter asks the recipient to support three Minnesota Legislature bills — two that increase the per-student amount of state money for districts and tying it to inflation and a third that would cover a rising percentage of districts’ special education spending….
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