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Birmingham, AL: UAB center aims to raise autism awareness

Feb 27, 2024, Birmingham, AL, WBRC: New center at UAB aims to create visibility around developmental disabilities

The Center for Excellence and Developmental Disabilities (CEDD) at UAB is increasing awareness around developmental disabilities.

Developmental disabilities include autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and other learning disabilities. The center brings existing programs at UAB together under one roof.

Sarah O’Kelley is the Director of CEDD. She said this gives staff an opportunity to collaborate.

“It provides an opportunity for those of us who are already collaborating on different projects to be in close space and to work together,” said O’Kelley.

The center currently houses 30 clinics. It is also a place for research and advocacy. Justin Schwartz is the Associate Director. He said the support will help people with disabilities throughout their lifespan. . . .

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