July 21, 2021, Beauregard (LA) Daily News: West Park Pool seeking suggestions for sensory-friendly pool hours https://www.beauregarddailynews.net/story/news/2021/07/21/west-park-pool-seeking-suggestions-sensory-friendly-pool-hours/8013815002/
The West Park Pool is looking for ideas and suggestions from parents regarding the implementation of sensory-friendly times or days at the pool.
The West Park Pool is aware that for some children the normal public pool conditions can be too much.
The pool hopes to establish certain times, such as before the pool opens to the general public, where sensory-friendly times would be available for those who would benefit from it.
West Park Pool is also seeking ideas for activities that these young patrons would enjoy.
Those who think sensory-friendly pool hours and activities are needed or have ideas are invited to email acraddock@cityofderidder.org.
