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***(Australia) Report: 52% of SPED students HAVE AUTISM; more not mainstreamed

June 19, 2019, Sydney Morning Herald: The 'problematic' rise in students excluded from mainstream classes An increasing number of students with autism are being excluded from mainstream classes according to new research which raises concerns about the segregation of children with disabilities. The Monash University research found that between 2009 and 2015, the inclusion of autistic students in mainstream classes dropped from 18.8 per cent to just 3.3 per cent. During this period, the proportion of students with autism in special schools increased from 37 to 52 per cent. The research, which was published in the International Journal of Inclusive Education and draws on Australian Bureau of Statistics data, found students with autism were being segregated at much higher rates than students with other disabilities. The study’s author, Dr Kate de Bruin, said a lack of resources, inadequate teacher training and myths about students with a disability being disruptive were fuelling the segregation…. She criticised One Nation senator Pauline Hanson over her calls to remove children with autism and disabilities from mainstream classes. “This is a really problematic attitude," she said…. Year 10 student Jake, who has autism and attends St James College in Bentleigh East, said his experience at a mainstream school had been positive…. …Chris Varney, the founder of I CAN Network, who also has autism, said the segregation was more pronounced in secondary schools. He said this was because, unlike primary schools, secondary school students had multiple teachers who were often unable to provide the same oversight and support to students with autism. …
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